Swedens southernmost parking  

Parking at Smygehuk

A visit to Smygehuk is an experience all year round. Here you will find various parking options in the area. All parking is free of charge. However, charging stations are subject to a fee. You pay for the electricity via the EasyPark app. Charging your bicycle is free, and you can find the charging station at the tourist information center.

Read more about Swedish driving rules, parking, and traffic signs here 

Entrance to Köpmansmagasinet

The Western area
Parking allowed max 6 hours, 7 am- 11 pm every day.

No parking 11 pm- 7 am every night of the week.

The Eastern area

Parking of motor vehicles are not permitted. Signs posted in this area with the following text, first in Swedish then translated into English:

”Fastighetsägaren Stiftelsen Smygehuk ber om att hänsyn tas till rådande beslut taget av Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län enligt 7 kap. 13–18 h §§ Miljöbalken. Beslutet innebär att ingen parkering/uppställning av fordon är tillåten på den här gräsytan. Stiftelsen Smygehuk har överklagat, men i väntan på avgörande gäller Länsstyrelsen i Skåne läns beslut, dnr 526-8917-2020.”

“The property owner Stiftelsen Smygehuk request that the current decision taken by the County Administrative Board of Skåne County in accordance with chapter 7, 13- 17 §§ Environmental Code. The decision state that no parking of vehicles in this grass area is allowed. The Smygehuk Foundation has appealed, but until decision the County Administrative Boards decision applies, no 526-8917-2020”.


The large parking (along road 9, asphalt surface)

60 parking lots for class 1 cars
3 bus parking lots
2 handicap parking lots

Public toilets with 4 WC and 1 HCWC/nursery room
8 compartment waste sorting system
Charging posts for cars
Bicycle rack and bicycle pump

Kiosk (asphalt surface)
1 handicap parking lot

Exit to harbor plan

1 of June – 31 of August:

Prohibition of motor vehicle traffic, does not apply to authorized traffic. 

2 parking lots for vehicles with permit for disabled persons directly north of the smokehouses outdoor restaurant.

Turning possibility and surface for loading and unloading.


1 of September – 31 of May:

2 parking spaces for the disabled remain.

The remaining parking areas are regulated with a 1 hour parking.


The harbor (paved area)

1 of June – 31 of August

Parking prohibited, pedestrian area.

1 of September – 31 of May

A few parking lots.
Bicykle rack and bicykle pump
Barbecue area


The Lighthouse (asphalt area)

15 parking lots
Parking, gravel area, only for visitors to the hostel and lighthouse.